Jesus is No Myth

Dedicated to promoting the idea that the Biblical Jesus Christ is a historical person.

  Who moved the stone?

If the women could not move it,

the disciples dared not move it,

the Jewish rulers would not move it,


the Romans were there to prevent

anyone moving it

then who moved the stone?


    Jesus is No Myth Workbook.

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50 Short Talks and Invitations  50 Short Talks and Invitations


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French - Jesus is No Myth  Jésus n'est pas un mythe

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Livre traduit professionnellement par ChristianLingua



Российская: Иисус не миф

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 Профессионально переведен Christian Lingua.

Translations listed below were prepared using Babylon Software Ltd. translation software.


Êtes-vous une victime de la guerre de la culture?


    Jesús no es un mito libro de trabajo.

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Português: Jesus não é mito


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